Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Day Dreaming and Sugar Needs

Yesterday was a big day, so today I'm staying in and doing some writing. I have to be alone to write (too easily distracted) if someone else is home I have to pump music in some headphones to try and mask their existence. I always have my playlist playing anyway; I like the way music can change the mood of a scene I'm writing, usually for the better. Day dreaming is a big part of my "creative process"; imagining every scenario and finding which ones feel right, music really helps with this. I can also spy on what Thomas is listening to at work, bless you Spotify and your creeper features.

The only problem I have with writing at the moment is the damn chair. I think I need a special one made just for my awkward back, preferably one that reclines so I can also nap in it.
I also have to write near a window, not to spy on the neighbours (although people watching can be fun) but to keep me sane. Apparently the garden might be having a make over, if it does I'll be out there doing work every day the weather permits; which in England might not be that often.

This is important, I have a thing for juice cartons; miniatures are adorable to me, little mayonnaise jars, mini cheeses etc but Thomas brought back home these Rubicon babies and now I'm addicted. I haven't had Guava juice until now, they're exotic here, not that it's taking over the top spot, apple you can't be beat. Watermelon is another weakness, as is passion fruit; okay I have a bit of a juice problem. It's on my list of "addictions" with tea and cheese. 

I really need to work on my relationship with food.

In other news, my physiotherapy is going well; so well I don't even feel guilty for eating a massive pudding last night, I admit I couldn't finish it because I have the stomach of a field mouse.

"There's pie in there somewhere" Thomas.
 Thank you for reading, soon I'll be doing a book review, won't that be exciting? What if I mention that it's a book on "How we do it"?

Devon x

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